Swarms of autonomous robots have been recently thrust into the limelight. The deployment of networked mobile sensors that are able to execute collectively various complex tasks offers very interesting perspectives such as coverage of interest zones under natural or human disaster, search and rescue tasks, setting up of ad-hoc networks, without putting human lives at risk or endangering expensive specialised entities.
In a general context of distributed systems, obtaining certified guarantees is a crucial issue; this area of computer science is well-known for being remarkably harsh on informal reasoning, which potentially leads to disastrous errors.
MoRoVer focuses on developing and applying formal methods to study and verify swarms of mobile robots. It brings together researchers from academia and industry, specialists of distributed computing or formal methods, as well as students, for scientific talks, and tutorials.
Mornings dedicated to scientific talks.
- First talk Wednesday: Koichi Wada
- First talk Thursday: Giuseppe Prencipe
Afternoons propose tutorials (students welcome!):
- Model-Checking, with N. Sznajder
- Coq for beginners, with P. Courtieu
- Formal proof for mobile robots, with L. Rieg
Confirmed speakers:
Koichi Wada, Hosei Univ. Japan
Guiseppe Prencipe, Univ. Pisa, Italy
Lélia Blin, UPMC, Paris, France
Quentin Bramas, Télécom physique, Strasbourg, France
Pierre Courtieu, CNAM, Paris, France
Xavier Défago, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Stéphane Devismes, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
David Ilcinkas, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France
Robin Pelle, Univ. Paris-Sud, France
Lionel Rieg, Yale Univ., New-Haven, USA
Nathalie Sznajder, UPMC, Paris, France
Xavier Urbain, LIRIS, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France